
What is pallet rack?

         Pallet stacking shelves devoted to the storage of goods on pallets, similar in its basic form and shelves. Pallet racking is the most common form of shelves, provide 100% accessibility, and there is a good picking ruthless efficiency. However, this Scissor lift storage density is low, requires more channels. According to their access to the channel width of the channel is divided into traditional, narrow track-type channel and ultra-narrow channel-type channel

In use should avoid prolonged stepping clutch. Some drivers in the frequent shifting when the sake of simplicity and reduction actions, not taxiing off the file, and for a long time stepping on the clutch, this habit is to make the burnt clutch, clutch damage, drive axle gear damage.
Starting essentials
1. Use starter starting time can not exceed 15 seconds, the second time starting with the first interval between the start of not less than two minutes: When the engine begins to work, you should immediately release the switch button to return the starter gear stopped in situ work to prevent damage to the starter by the anti-band:
(2) the amount of hydraulic oil: liquid level in the oil level should be up and down tick in midfield.
3 Check the piping, fittings, pumps, valves for leaks and damage.
4 Check the brake.
(1). Brake pedal air travel should be 20-30 mm;
(2). Before the gap between the base plate and the pedal should be greater than 20 mm;
5 Always check the parking brake, hand position in the end should be in the 15% of the full stop on the ramp.
6 Check the instrumentation, lighting, switches and electrical lines are working correctly.

