
Soonest Tips forklift Origin:

Chinese forklift manufacturer how to change a new pattern of global industrial vehicles
Soonest Tips forklift Origin
Forklift industrial handling vehicles, refers to a piece pallet cargo loading and unloading, scissor pallet truck and short-distance transport operations of the various wheeled transportation vehicles. International Organization for Standardization ISO/TC110 called industrial vehicles. Commonly used in warehousing transport large objects, usually the use of fuel or battery-powered machines.
Forklift mainly used in automotive parts production assembly line handling, production workshop internal parts handling, postal services, railways and other system messages, Porters, pharmaceutical, tobacco and other drugs system, cargo handling, preparation for large-scale exhibition organizing committee data handling, warehousing and logistics system small equipment, cargo handling and other requirements of space and height requirements are relatively high places.
The first truck appeared in 1917, during World War II, due to technological innovation and wartime needs, forklifts been a good development. China from the early 1950s began manufacturing forklifts, 1958 successfully created the first truck, the birth of the first truck, forklift manufacturer in China drawn on the history of this white paper under a heavy sum, and thus create forklift manufacturing history of our country.
Chinese truck market will no doubt be in a very long period of time is the world's largest market. Therefore Throughout the global pattern, only bigger themselves can go out! Forklift industry resource integration is imperative! Only through integration, China was likely to occur in a short time excellent forklift manufacturers and service providers. It may be in the new pattern of global industrial vehicles place.
Despite China Anhui Forklift Group and Hangzhou forklift forks Group into the global top 10 ranks, but still a far cry from other giant forklift. The first global forklift Toyota and KION Group's sales revenues of nearly $ 6 billion, while the second group has four sales of over 20 billion dollars. Thus, the third group the world's top 10 finalists threshold has been raised to $ 1 billion. Therefore, Chinese enterprises need to redouble our efforts forklift!
Global Forklift Front six giant blueprint is very clear, and that is a very broad product line extension, high low-end all involved. Specializes in electric and internal combustion have good merger, sale of unprofitable businesses and closing factories in Europe in favor of emerging markets and establish their own production base. Because mastery of advanced technology and to control the global market, with more than 100 truck manufacturer China looks a puffiness.
Chinese forklift industry how to do? Chinese more than 100 low-level handling electric pallet trucks is in fact consuming production resources. Smart entrepreneurs should abandon that tradition competition recap Western industrial giants vehicle family history. That is the path we must walk their walk.
We are pleased to see that in China's coastal areas, especially the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta. The first round of capital involved forklift service provider's action has already begun. This indicates that, in the future there will be more capital and bring excellent management experience to inject forklift industry. China forklift chaos and chaotic the situation was about to be curbed. Industry norms will herald some companies will go bankrupt, some people will be unemployed.
In the new pattern of global industrial vehicles, Chinese enterprises will face enormous pressure and the attendant challenges. China's economic growth, in fact, cover up foreign brands in China's market share quietly improved. Those who rely on low-end products and price shocks and the market share of the era will be gone forever. Undoubtedly require Chinese forklift industry practitioners alert! In the new era of the pattern, the strong stronger and the weak weaker!

